I’m able to help you through all life’s challenges. The following are areas I have the most experience in.



Personal and professional relationships are central in most of our lives. When we have conflict in our relationships, we tend to have deep inner turmoil. I have experienced this firsthand. I have ended toxic romantic relationships to find the love of my life. I have worked with all different types of people in some trying situations. What may feel insurmountable in the moment, isn’t. Let’s figure out how to work through things in a honest and loving way.



It took me a while to find what I really wanted to do with my life. I had a good number of jobs along the way. There are a lot of ways I can help in this area: Switching careers, getting a new job, handling tough professional situations, and event planner career counseling to name a few.

Healthy Lifestyle


We all lead busy lives and it’s easy to put ourselves on the back burner. I know that when I make my physical and mental health a priority, I have more energy and a better overall outlook on life. I believe a healthy lifestyle starts with stress management and self-care. As you start to get stress levels under control, you are able to incorporate healthy habits into your daily routine. These habits will look different for everyone. Let’s find out what works for you!



I tend to take a mindful approach to coaching, which comes from my yoga background. Yoga teaches us a lot of life lessons. If you are interested in starting a yoga practice either at home or elsewhere, I can help guide you through that process. I can also help long devoted yogis deepen their practice. I can help those trying to decide if they want to go through teacher training and I’m a great resource for new yoga teachers just starting out.

Vegetarian & Vegan Transition


I have been a vegetarian for 15 years. I have been vegan for the last two years. I was never a big meat eater to begin with. My life changed when I read Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin. If you are curious about what eating less meat would look like or are ready to go all in, I can help with all the tips, tricks and recipes to help make the transition smooth and rewarding.



I am beyond blessed to have wonderful parents. I am an only child and my parents are older and not in good health. I have been managing their care at home for many years. This can be a complex and overwhelming situation to manage. I can help with hiring caregivers, avoiding caregiving burnout, evaluating care outside the home, emotional support and much more.



My mom passed away in August of 2019 after a 30-year battle with cancer. Everyone handles grief differently. There is no right or wrong way to feel after losing a loved one. I’ve struggled with this. I’m here to listen, offer support and a safe space for you to grieve.